
Sunday, June 28, 2020

UQSay #12

The twelfth UQSay seminar on Uncertainty Quantification and related topics, organized by L2S, MSSMAT, and EDF R&D, will take place online on Thursday afternoon, July 9, 2020.

14h–15h — Roberto Miorelli (CEA Paris-Saclay LIST) — [slides]

Metamodels and Statistical Tools Applied to Non-destructive Testing Problems

In the last decades, the non-destructive testing (NDT) research community has greatly increased its interest on statistical methods. This interest was driven by the community willingness to provide efficient solutions to NDT problems and push further the use of simulation to better design NDT inspection systems and procedures.

This research brought to the developments of new solutions to carry out sensitivity analysis, compute model assisted probability of detection, perform flaw(s) detection, flaw(s) characterization and probe optimization. Toward this end, the use of metamodels (also known as surrogate models) have been widely exploited for different NDT physics (ultrasound testing, eddy current testing, infrared thermography, etc.) with promising results. More recently, the NDT community is focussing on providing advanced simulation tools for performance estimation under uncertainties. One of the main area of interest of this research turns concerns the estimation of uncertainties for flaw(s) detection, characterization, and optimization problems. These developments have been particularly boosted and supported by the recent achievements in the field of machine learning that provide a plethora of algorithms and tools suitable for solving many different NDT problems.

This talk provides an overview on the use of metamodel tools and statistical methods applied to NDT problems developed at CEA LIST. A set of test cases that are matter of interest in the industrial domain are detailed and discussed. Moreover, some insights on the choices done to satisfy the different constraints imposed by the industrial domain are provided too.

Joint work with Christophe Reboud and Pierre Calmon.

PDF abstract: uqsay12_abstract_rmiorelli.pdf.

Organizers: Julien Bect (L2S), Emmanuel Vazquez (L2S), Didier Clouteau (MSSMAT), Filippo Gatti (MSSMAT), Fernando Lopez Caballero (MSSMAT), Bertrand Iooss (EDF R&D).

Practical details: the seminar will be held online using Microsoft Teams.

If you want to attend this seminar (or any of the forthcoming online UQSay seminars), and if you do not already have access to the UQSay group on Teams, simply send an email and you will be invited. Please specify which email address the invitation must be sent to (this has to be the address associated with your Teams account).

You will find the link to the seminar on the "General" UQSay channel on Teams, approximately 15 minutes before the beginning.

The technical side of things: you can use Teams either directly from you web browser or using the "fat client", which is available for most platforms (Windows, Linux, Mac, Android & iOS). We strongly recommend the latter option whenever possible. Please give it a try before the seminar to anticipate potential problems.